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Natural Sea Sponges Fun Facts

Natural Sea Sponges Fun Facts

Fun facts you didn’t know about natural sea sponges

June 18, 2023

Read about unique fun facts about natural sea sponges from the use in Ancient times to all the variety and shapes.

How to clean a natural sea sponge?

April 18, 2023

Cleaning natural sea sponges is relatively simple. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean them.

9+ surprising ways to use a natural sea sponge

March 18, 2023

Natural sponges have a wide range of versatile uses. You can always find another way to use them!


February 18, 2023

Harvesting from the sea can never be 100% sustainable. But, using natural sponges is a way better option than other products.

10 reasons to love our Adria Blue natural sea sponges

January 18, 2023

Gentle and Soft: Mediterranean sea sponges are incredibly soft and gentle on the skin, making them perfect for sensitive skin types. They provide a luxurious and soothing experience during your…


Natuurlijke zeesponzen en handgemaakte zeep met natuurlijke ingrediënten uit Kroatië

De Klik Fabriek VoF

Mercatorstraat 159-2, 1056RE Amsterdam

KvK nummer: 85666084

VAT: NL863700639B01

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